What are CANARI's objectives?
How to take climate change into account in the decision-making and production process of the agricultural sector? How to transmit the necessary data to stakeholders in the sector so that they can adapt their practices? This is the main objective of the CANARI (Climate ANalysis for Agricultural Recommendations and Impacts) project.
Climate projections are new information, real starting points for adaptation approaches for the agricultural sector. However, these data are still largely unknown to agricultural stakeholders, difficult to access outside the climate community (climate portal, file format, etc.) and offer climate variables requiring additional calculations to reveal their interests to stakeholders in the field: obtaining agro-climatic indicators (ACI). The CANARI portal was created to increase the access of agricultural actors to ACIs responding to local issues. CANARI allows quick and direct online visualization of more than a hundred Agro-Climate Indicators (ACIs) covering the needs of the different agricultural sectors. Each ACI can be calculated locally over the whole of metropolitan France for the period of the Near Future (period 2020-2050) and the Far Future (2050-2100) according to a multi-model approach, making it possible to identify a greater variability of the evolutions future climate.
What innovations does CANARI offer?
CANARI is a single and unique tool that allows:
- Simply and quick mobilization of scientifically validated climate projections for whole Europe
- Selection of multiples ACIs covering the needs of different agricultural sectors (field crops, livestock, arboriculture, etc.)
- Offerering instantaneous calculation of ACIs, the result is obtained in only a few seconds
- Developing these indicators over the period 2020-2050 (near future) to better unbderstand the future variability of the various climate parameters, but also over the period 2050-2100 (far future) to consider long term consequences.
- Offering a multi-models approach for several climate secnarios (RCP4.5 and 8.5)
- Giving the possiblity of freely modifying parameters of each predefined ACI, whether threshold or period, thus to calibrate its request to local issues.
Who is the CANARI portal intended for?
The users of the CANARI portal are all the agricultural actors who want to support the farmers of their territory locally in the process of adaptation. There are many agricultural actors: consulting companies and development organizations, insurance companies, training centers, educational establishments, public organizations, farmers' associations, cooperatives, etc.
All these actors are today in search of autonomy for the realization of calculation of customizable ACI. In order to properly use the ACIs offered by CANARI, it is recommended to be already initiated and aware of climate change in agriculture, and in particular to have acquired the following skills:
- • Understand what climate change is and its impacts for the agricultural sector
- Understand what climate models and scenarios are and their possible consequences during the 21st century in Europe
- Know the main Agro-Climate Indicators by production or agricultural sector as well as their local customization in terms of periods of interest and calculation threshold
- Know the principles of an adaptation approach to sustainably support a farmer seeking greater resilience of its farm
If you want to strengthen your knowledge of climate change and adaptation in agriculture before using CANARI, you can check out the AWA plaform AWA - AgriAdapt Webtool for Adaptation.
Who are the designers of CANARI?
The CANARI portail is the result of the partnership between Solagro, specialist in agricultural issues and climate change, and Makina Corpus, designer of IT solutions and open source web applications. Scientific support on the use of climate projections was requested from the French laboratory IPSL (Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, specialist in climate modelling)but also MARS Unit from JRC (Joint Research Center of Eureopean Union) involved on the challenges of adapting agriculture.
The consortium put in place has made it possible to associate the complementary skills necessary for the design of an agro-climatic portal making it possible to increase access to agro-climatic indicators for actors in the agricultural sector.

Solagro (and more widely the Life AgriAdapt partners: FGN, LCF, EMU) and Makina Corpus previously collaborated in 2020 on the creation of the web platform AWA in the framework of the LIFE AgriAdapt project, a tool to raise awareness of agricultural actors on climate change adaptation.
CANARI received fundings from ADEME, French ministry of agriculture, and 2050 investment fund.
© 2025 Solagro - Makina Corpus - Legal notices - Contact us : canari@solagro.asso.fr